Rodney Wirtz

Industrial Programmer

Number Converter Webapp

Webapp’s QR code to scan with phone.


A decimal number is a number that is written to the base 10.  Meaning there are 0 to 9 digits used to represent the number.  Other bases can also be used: Binary (0 to 1), Hexadecimal (0 to F) and Octal (0 to 7).  

Since we have 10 fingers, we like to represent numbers to the base 10 so we can use our fingers to help count.  I do it all the time.  However, computers use binary numbers rather than base 10 for their transistor states or either on or off.    

When is the letter A not the letter A? Well, computers don't use the letter A. They use a binary number 01000001 to represent A.  This is known as an ASCII representation.  In decimal the letter A is 65.  When 65 is entered in the program, you should see this binary number and the character (glyph) representation of this letter displayed.

To represent all the letter glyphs in the world languages, it takes a lot of numbers to do that.  So the number of characters (glyphs) had to be increased form 0 to FF (this is know as ASCII character range) to 0 to FFFF Hexadecimal.  So, when a decimal number is entered, the associated language glyph is also displayed.